Dear Kayden,
Yesterday we completed week 28! So we are almost 3/4 of the way to your due date! And 1 week in to our last trimester! We are so happy.
You should weigh around 2.5 pounds. Last ultrasound you were 2 pounds and like 3 ounces and I know you have gained weight since then so sound like you are right on track. You should also be around 16 inches long. Sorry your so squished but youll have tons of room soon enough! We also found out that you might have started dreaming! I wonder what you dream about? Too bad you won't remember by the time you can talk to tell me.
So as I told you we are redecorating the apartment cause I want you to have the best home. Yesterday we went shopping and brought tons home!! It is already looking so nice! I am really excited for next wednesday cause that is when the new couch will get there! Your daddy also picked out the cutest picture frame. It says "Daddy+Mommy=me" and it has a place for 3 seperate pictures! We just had to get it for you! Its so precious!!
Also we start your baby class on wednesday! So overall wednesday is gonna be a great day! New furniture and learning tons about having you!!! I'm not sure whether this will make your dad more excited or more nervous. Honestly I think he might freak out a lil bit. He is just so worried about doing something wrong. But I know he is gonna be an amazing dad to you! You already have people who love you so much!
Love you tons,