Dear Kayden,
Today we are 33 weeks and 1 day. We have 48 days left! It is coming fast! Its so crazy I can remember when we have over 200 days!!
Today we had a Dr appt. It was just a short lil check up. Your heartbeat is 140. Its so crazy to hear it. It is super fast! But it is right where it should be.
Our next appt is only 2 weeks away then after that we have an appt every week!!!
Today we also bought you some bedtime story books! We got 2 different books. First we got The big book of fairy tales! I love them! We also got the adventures of Amelia Bedila. Your daddy thought it was too girly but I don't think so. So we got it anyway :) They are funny stories. I can't wait to see you smile and hear you laugh.
As we left the store your father tried to call dibs on you telling him you love him first. I told him I don't think so. First off I will be home all day with you and secondly I am the one delivering you so I totally deserve to hear it first. But either way I will be happy just to hear you say that.
We are trying to get all the last big of stuff together. We still need to pack the hospital bag for daddy and me. We have your bag all packed.
Lately you have taken up the habit of pushing your foot really hard against my side. Its crazy to be able to feel your foot so close to me. But lets not push too hard cause its starting to hurt. I know you are squished but be gentle on me.
Well we love you and can't wait to meet you!!!