Wednesday, June 29, 2011

37 weeks & 2 days

Dear baby,
So lots of new news. Yesterday was your dr appt. And glad to say you are healthy and strong.
I have finally started dialating!! I am at a 1 and 50% thinned out!! So its almost baby time :)
We talked to the Doctor about inducement. I am just super nervous about how far from the hospital we live and your daddy has finals right after your due date. So I wouldnt want to go into labor while he is taking a test. Plus mommy is getting no sleep and is in a lot of pain lately. And we just cant wait to have you!
So the Doctor said I needed to be at a 2 or 3 which won't be hard since I am already at a 1. And it needs be within a week of my due date. So the 11th at the earliest but that is only 12 days away!!! We are so excited.
Also daddy has started bringing up new baby names! I know I thought we had decided on Kayden Isaac but now that it is so close he is not sure. So we are gonna wait and see what you look like before  definitely picking a name. He also wants to keep the new name secret until we pick for sure which will be at your birth. So you are again unnamed lol. Sorry bud.
Well we are just getting so anxious and excited to have you!
We love you so much!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

36 weeks.

Dear Kayden,
Today we are 36 weeks along. Which means if I start contracting the Dr won't stop it :). But the bad news is at my dr appt last week I was told I haven't even started dialating. I have another appt tomorrow and I hope I have started dialating. With all these contractions you think something would happen. I can't even sit up from laying down without having a contraction. It can be frustrating to feel all these contractions and know that nothing is happening.
Well we only have 28 days left till the due date but if you wanna come a little earlier your daddy and I wouldn't be upset at all.
This last week was pretty hard to be honest. Its been really hard to get any sleep. Between contractions, your head on my bladder and my brain going 100 mph. It just doesnt happen most nights. But I started taking my nausia medicine before bed and it helps me sleep. Last night I didnt even have to take any and I still slept. So that was pretty great!
Your daddy and I are so anxious for you to come! We love you lots and can't wait to hold you!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

34 weeks!!!

Dear Kayden,
We are 34 weeks today.
That means we are down to 42 days.
It is going by super slow for mommy though. Every night since we got your baby books your amazing father has been reading you a bedtime story. I love it. I lay in bed reading "What to expect the first year" while he is laying with his head hear my stomach reading to you. Last night was the cutest. Muffin was laying between your daddy and me looking at the book. Your daddy read Beauty and the Beast. It was really cute.
Today it actually got hot. Not so fun when u r as big as I am but its nice that it is finally summer. You are gonna learn summer in rexburg doesnt last long.
Kayden I can't even believe you are gonna be here in six weeks. I have completely mixed feelings. Part of me is like Come out already!!! The other part I don't think fully understands that I am gonna be a mom in around 6 weeks!!! Don't get me wrong I am super excited. I just hope I can be the best mom ever. You totally deserve it.
Your nana seems to be just as ready for you to be here as I am. She loves you so much and constantly is talking about you. She wants your daddy and I to go on a vacation next summer so she can take care of you.
Your grandmother has gotten her plane ticket and taken the time off work so she will be here for a week in August to get to know you.
Your father came home from school the other day and was like it totally hit me that I am gonna be a dad. I think it is so cute that we are so far along and he is just starting to process it. I mean I haven't fully processed it either but I don't think anyone can fully process it until they take that lil baby home from the hospital.  
Well my website that I've used through out the whole pregnancy says that you could weigh up to 5 pounds already!  That is crazy. I have gained between 30-35 pounds already! So I'm not too excited about the fact that  I am gonna gain even more weight. But you are totally worth it. It also says you could be up to 20 inches long. Its so crazy how big you are. Sorry you are so squished.
Well remember mommy loves you!!!