Dear Kayden,
You have been loving the new place!
You think the rug is so soft! You rub it and lay your face on it!
You have a cute little reading corner in the living room! Your daddy and I love to read to you there.
We also got you a new chair that you love to sit in!
You have been learning lots of new things too!!
You are sitting up so good! We can actually leave you sitting up on the floor and you do great!
You are doing really good in your car seat now too!!
You can push yourself up amazingly well. But mostly just to watch tv or to scream!
You have learned how to hold up your bottle. Well more of you are still learning cause its a little heavy for you. But you are slowly getting it. You are actually starting to take a bottle better too!!
And if I lean you up against the back of your chair you can STAND!!! All on your own! Im so proud!!
We just gotta work on you pulling up to the sitting and standing position now! I love how much you grow everyday now!