Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter weekend 2014

Dear Kayden,
You were definitely spoiled this Easter. The weekend before Easter we did an Easter egg hunt at our house. Since Daddy went out of town for Easter weekend. You got toys and fun stuff at our house. You got Toy Story 3, hotwheels, race car track, and a few other small toys.

For actual Easter weekend it was nana, you and me. On Friday we went to the zoo. You loved showing Nana the monkeys and playing on the slide. On Saturday we went to two different Easter egg hunts at different churches.

You loved finding the eggs but you kept stopping to try to open them.
We also had lunch.
That night uncle pat, aunt bubbles, and aunt caca came over for a bbq. Uncle Pat helped you climb a tree. You loved it. You are usually afraid of him but you kept grabbing his hand and dragging him back to the tree.

On sunday we went to church, with you in your cute new suit.

 After church Aunt Chris and Uncle Chris came over for lunch and games.
Then that night we picked up Daddy from the airport. You didn't get a nap and passed our hard in the car. I picked you up and put you in the carseat without you waking up.

Overall it was a great weekend. We definitely had lots of fun.
Love, mommy