Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ear Tubes

Dear Kayden,
So we have noticed that you aren't talking as much as you should be by now. What you do say is pretty mumbled too. So we took you to an ear doctor. You failed your hearing tests. I was so upset. We took you to a specialist and he recommended tubes. So that is what we did. I was so nervous and upset that you had to be under anesthetia.  I was so scared while you were in there. Thankfully it only takes like 20 minutes. As soon as they said we could see you I handed your father all of my stuff and rushed through the door to you.
No one warned me how horrible it is to see your lil one coming out of the anesthetia. It was the worst thing I have had to watch. You just screamed and threw yourself around, while refusing to open your eyes.
Once we got you in the car with mickey mouse you did much better. You got significantly better throughout the day.
A couple of days later you got sick though. We arent sure if it is related or not. You don't have any discharge in your ears so that is a good sign. But either way we are taking you to the doctor tomorrow.
You having been sleeping lots lately. You wake up curl up on me and go back to sleep.
Today you have been awake alot more then yesterday so I think you are getting better. I hope so anyway.

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