Dear Kayden,
Today you are 6 months old!
I can't believe how fast you are growing.
You are trying to learn to crawl. You pull your lil knees up under you but then you faceplant it into the carpet. then you push up onto your arms but your back end is completly flat against the carpet. Its pretty funny,
You are slowly learning to sit up on your own. If you lean against your hands you can
You are learning to lean forward when you are laying down and want to sit up too.
You are getting much better at nighttime. Somedays you even put yourself to sleep!
And you only get up like 2-3 times a night and not for long. But you do wake up at like 6:30-7:30. Hopefully thatll change cause I don't care for mornings. You are also starting to go down into your crib! Just for one stretch at night.
Except the last couple nights but you are sick :(. You have a never and mucus running down your throat. You threw up once but it was 2 days ago.
You are also being better in your car seat. You pout pretty hardcore when you go in it though.
I think its kinda cute. But you have almost outgrown this carseat so we gotta start saving for the next one!
You have also discovered the tv.

Its so cute!
So many changes have been happening as you can tell.
You've been eating your baby food so good! You are even eating bread and crackers now. Well they are kinda like crackers but they get mushy in your mouth so you dont choke as easy. But you really like them.
Oh and you are using a sippy cup. Well kind of. Some days you take it really well other days you wont take it at all.
You still love your bouncer. We have cheated and put a couple books under your feet so you can reach to kick it. You are slowly learning to do it!
You almost had your first tooth the other day. It started to come through but then it went back under the gums. You havent been too fussy with teething surprisingly.
You were suppose to have your 6 month check up today but since your sick they don't wanna give you shots so we have to reschedule.
I am so excited to see all the new things that will happen in the next 6 months. Soon you will be crawling! I am excited but nervous for that!
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