Sunday, October 30, 2011

1st Trunk of Treat

Dear Kayden,
Techinically tomorrow is Halloween but this weekend we celebrated it.
We went to our ward party just for an hour on friday. Then we headed up to your nanas.

Saturday we carved pumpkins. Then we went trunk or treating at nanas ward.

 You were the cutest lil tiger. We got lots of candy. Yay for being a mom with a lil one that can't eat the candy yet!
We had lots of fun at nana's. I am excited to move up there so that we can all be together more often.
I love seeing your first holidays. It was such a fun day.
You also got rice cereal for the first time.

You weren't sure how you felt about it. Some times you take it other times yo would just spit it right out. You will get use to it over time though.
You feel asleep on nanas bed saturday night.

We didn't want to move you so we decided Mom and Bret would sleep on the couch and your father and I would sleep on the floor in nanas room. As soon as we laid down to fall asleep you woke up. So I moved to the couch with you. Nana slept out in the living with me for the first half of the night and then your daddy slept out in the living room for the other half.
We had such a great time.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sick again :(

Dear Kayden,
Your daddy has been sick lately. And this morning you projectille threw up all over mommys feet. It was mostly stomach acid and it really scared me.
We took you to the dr. You are up to 13 lbs and 14 ounces! He says you just have the bug going around.
You threw up again later today. It makes me feel so bad! I just want to fix it but I can't do anything.
I hope it passes fast for you.
On the positive side, You are going to be pretty much every night at 8! Its so great!!! You also slept 6 hours straight last night! It was very much needed. I was getting exhausted.
Well this weekend is Halloween weekend! I cant wait for your first holidays!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Change of locations!

Dearest Kayden,
So your daddy and I were talking about where we wanted to live. We thought we were gonna settle in the SLC valley. But then we started thinking about you and your future siblings.
I wasn't raised close to other family members and I want you to be raised near your nana. So we decided we would move to Pocatello so you can be near her.
Just have to see if it works out.
I just hope we get everything right so that your life is the best it can be!
Remember we love you,

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Found your hands!

Dear Kayden,
I just realized I forgot to tell you about your find this past weekend. You have discovered your hands!
Its so cute you play with them all the time. You also suck your thumb now.

I love! I wonder how long till you discover your feet? That will be fun too.
You have changed your bedtime routine too. Im not complaining you are out by 8 now! Its pretty nice. But last night was a rough one :(. I hate nights like that cause it makes you have a bad day. You are pretty fussy this morning because you are so tired. But your daddy is holding and rocking you even though he is exhausted too! He loves you so much.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

3 months old!

Dear Kayden,
So this past monday you turned 3 months old! I can't believe how fast time has flown. You can stand with some balance help. You are getting so strong!! Hopefully you will start sitting up soon.
Well last night we had a fun date night. You of course were involved.
Also Tuesday night  was the first night I left you with someone who wasnt family. I had to go pick up your daddy from work and I didnt want you screaming in the car. Our neighbor Jessica volunteered to come watch you. I was a nervous wreck but it was only 40 minutes. I rushed but it was good to know I can leave you and you will be okay! I just am not use to it.
Well your first Halloween is getting close. You are going to be a tiger! We are probably going to your nanas to go trunk or treating. Itll be fun! If we don't go there she will come down here. I am so excited that the holidays are so close! 35 days to Thanksgiving!! YAY!!!
We also spent last weekend at your Nana's. It was fun. You loved all the attention.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

First Laugh

Dear Kayden,
Today you laughed for the first time! It made my day!
You were sound asleep then started smiling. It was so cute. Then you laughed! I wonder what you were dreaming about. I can't wait til your daddy hears you laugh. It is just the cutest thing there is.
Well tonight was  round one. We started you routine at 7:30 like usual. It is now 10:30 and we just laid you down! PLEASE sleep good for us. We could use it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Peeing all over daddy :)

Dear Kayden,
So as I have told you part of your bedtime routine is your bath. I get the water running and get in while your daddy gets you naked (on the nights he is home anyway). He hold you until the water is high enough to keep you warm. Well this morning you woke up at 5 so we did your whole bedtime routine to get you to sleep and he was holding you and walked over to the sink. I thought he was trying to get you to look in the mirror but then tons of pee started running out of his arms into the sink. It was hilarious! You sure pee on him alot. I am glad you don't pee on me that much.
Also you don't like to look in the mirror. It's so weird. Most babies love mirrors. The mirror in our bedroom has a print of the temple above it. It's really bright colors so you just stare at it. In the bathroom you usually stare at the fake pink flowers next to the mirror. You do like bright colors. You love to stare at the two paintings we have in the hall way too.
On another note: Please start sleeping longer! Lately you have only been doing 2 hours at a time. Its killing us!!!
But on a happier note you are slowly taking more and more of your bottle. I just hope we get you taking it good before Thanksgiving cause daddy will be in charge on you for 2 days while mommy cooks like crazy!
Love you,

Monday, October 10, 2011

Amazing day

Dear Kayden,
Today has been really good! We are finally figuring out a schedule (we being you and me).  You take 3 naps right now. Its so funny you were sleeping but it was 7:30 which is your bath time and I was debating whether I should wake you up or just let you sleep but you woke up on your own. So I gave you a bath and did the whole bedtime routine and you were out by 8:30! Lets hope your our for a while. Your daddy doesn't get home till 10:20 ish tonight. So you will prolly wake up once by then but hopefully Ill be able to get you back to sleep.
I am just so glad we are learning together. It has been alot easier today.
Oh and we finally got you a coat today. Well actually its a Pram.
We also got you the cutest little jumper that says IpooD on it! I love it! But its a size 12 months. So it'll be a while until you can fit into it.

12 weeks!!

Dear Kayden,
I can't believe you are 12 weeks today. When we were in the mother's lounge I saw a baby that was 3 weeks old and it made me realize how big you've gotten!!
Well this month is halloween. Not sure what we are doing yet. Hopefully our ward will have some activity for us to go to so we can dress you up. Either way I want to get a costume for pictures.
So remember how I told you about your facination with the kitchen aid? I took another photo of it. I just think its the funniest thing. Anytime you are upset it calms you right down!
You just love to stare at it when its on. So we run it and hold you near it and you just stare and stare.
Also this past weekend your daddy and I tried to go out minigolfing. You didnt really seem to like the blacklight. I think its because you couldnt see us very well.
Plus you were pretty tired. It was just 9 holes thankfully.
You are starting to stand really well too! You just gotta work on your balance. You have a hard time with that. I just hope you start sitting up on your own soon but I am not sure it will happen soon.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Formula :(

Dear Kayden,
So lately I just havent been producing enough milk to get you full. I feels so bad about this. I really want to exclusively feed you but its seeming like this is no longer possible. I've been worried about this for a while because I know someone whose milk dried up at 3 months. I thought I wouldn't have a problem since starting out was so easy.
I am really disappointed because you hate formula and I love the private time we get when I feed you. Its so great to hold you and just talk to you while you eat. I hope we will get that way with formula but right now you just hate it. I am still able to feed you a little bit but not very much though. Im really sorry!!
So we went to WIC this morning and had to get formula put on our checks. We get 9 whole canisters of formula a month. That should be plenty especially since I am able to feed you a little.
The last couple of days you have been pretty upset. Im not sure if its the cold weather or formula or both. You just arent too happy. ITs been snowing the last couple of days which is hard cause we can't take you outside.
I love you so much and am doing everything I possibly can for you!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sleep Schedule??

Dear Kayden,
The last three nights Ive been trying to give you a bedtime routine to help you sleep better during the night.
Around 7:30 we take a bath with Johnson's bedtime bath stuff. It really seems to have helped! After your bath you get lotioned up with Johnson's Bedtime Lotion. Then we put you in jammies and settle on the couch. I feed you and then you usually fall asleep. So the last couple of nights youve been our by 8:30! Its been really great! No more late nights. Of course you still wake up a decent amount of times during the night but going to bed earlier really helps. Your dad and I head to bed around 9:30 except when he works then we head to bed around 10:30.
I really hope this keeps up! Its been great and should help when you start sleeping through the night.
Well today was pretty cold and rainy. It was a day to just relax on the couch. So we didn't do much. I couldn't take you outside because of the rain. You slept alot! Not sure if you are getting over the cold or if the rain effects you like it effects me. Anytime it rains I get super sleepy!
Well your daddy was amazing and let me take a nap! I think that this was the first nap I've taken since we brought you home. It was only like 20 minutes but it felt so good!!!
You played with your dad alot today. It was so cute!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

11 weeks old! Already!!

Dearest Kayden,
Well today you are 11 weeks old. The time really has flown by. You are baring weight on your legs really good! And you support your head on your own all the time now. Now you just need to learn to sit up on your own! That would be great. We sit you on the couch alot but you slowly fall over.
I also cut my hair this week. I thought it would throw you off for a bit but you didn't seem to notice. Typical boy I guess :)

This weekend was general conference. Your first conference! It was so good. There were talks about having children! It was pretty great. I am so glad we didn't wait and we had you!! You just bring so much joy to our lives. Its so fun watching you grow and learn. You smile more and more every day.

You were pretty upset for the first session of conference this morning. But for the second session you did good.
You seem to be getting better from your cold! We are glad to see you get happy again and not be in pain.
We also have decided its time to start moving you into your crib and out of the swing at night. We layed you in there for a nap today but it did not fly. So we will prolly try again at bedtime.
We sure love you lots!