Tuesday, September 13, 2011

8 weeks & first boo boo

Dear Kayden,
This past weekend we went to your nanas. And lots happened.
Friday we had to wait for your daddy to get off work at 4. Then we packed up quick and got on the road since you were already asleep. You did so good all the way to fort hall. Then you woke up and started screaming. We stopped and fed you but then you just didnt wanna go in the car so you cried the rest of the way to nanas work. We hung out with her for a bit then headed to her house to see aunt tabbie.

We didnt do much that night. You didn't want to go to sleep so nana was trying to rock you and everything while I took a shower. Your daddy had gone to bed by this point. You were still fussing so I laid on the couch and fed you. You fell asleep so I just slept on the couch with you. That way I as propt up so I could feed you easier and your daddy could get some sleep.
Saturday morning your daddy was super confused since he hadn't been woken up all night and I wasn't in bed with him. Nana cooked us breakfast then we got ready to go run errands but your nana was on call and kept getting called into work. We went a got groceries then went to get our nails done. Your daddy and I got pedicures while nana got her nails filled in. She was finished before we were so she took you ( I had been holding you the whole time) and went outside but not much later we heard you screaming. Apparently you threw yourself head first into a wooden pillar. Your nana felt so bad. She cried pretty much the rest of the day. I was able to calm you back down. You have a pretty good scrape on your head but nothing worse thank heavens. We were all really scared because you hit your head really hard. You really have to quit throwing yourself around cause you keep hurting yourself but this is the worst! That night I slept on the couch again cause it was so much easier to feed you but this time your daddy slept on the other couch to be near me and help our with you.
Sunday I was exhausted so we slept in. Nana cooked breakfast again then we played Killer bunnies. Its a really fun card game that you will learn once your older. We play it alot. After dinner we tried and tried to get you to fall asleep but you were not cooperating! You didn't really sleep that whole day! We got you to sleep but when your daddy put you in the car you woke back up. So he drove around till you fell asleep. Then I got in the car and we started home. We didn't even make it out of the subdivision before you woke up. So we went back to nanas. After a little more nursing and holding you a while you were finally asleep and slept the whole way home!
Yesterday your daddy started school again. So now we are adjusting to a new schedule but since you change your schedule about once a week we are getting use to adapting. After he got out of school we went to Idaho Falls to do some errands. We bought you new jammies. You are offiicially in size 0-3months!! You are getting so big. You are in the cutest outfit today.

We went to the bank and went grocery shopping. It took us like 90 minutes because we needed alot!! You slept pretty much the whole time. At the end you woke up and started crying cause you were hungry so I went out to the car with the stroller and you and your daddy checked out. It was so frustrating trying to get outside cause people were moving slow and kept staring at you crying. I was getting so mad cause you were hungry and instead of moving they were staring! There was one nice lady who let me by though. We had to stop on the way home to feed you too. But then you fell asleep and slept the rest of the way.
Today not much has happened. You've been doing really good.

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