Monday, June 20, 2011

36 weeks.

Dear Kayden,
Today we are 36 weeks along. Which means if I start contracting the Dr won't stop it :). But the bad news is at my dr appt last week I was told I haven't even started dialating. I have another appt tomorrow and I hope I have started dialating. With all these contractions you think something would happen. I can't even sit up from laying down without having a contraction. It can be frustrating to feel all these contractions and know that nothing is happening.
Well we only have 28 days left till the due date but if you wanna come a little earlier your daddy and I wouldn't be upset at all.
This last week was pretty hard to be honest. Its been really hard to get any sleep. Between contractions, your head on my bladder and my brain going 100 mph. It just doesnt happen most nights. But I started taking my nausia medicine before bed and it helps me sleep. Last night I didnt even have to take any and I still slept. So that was pretty great!
Your daddy and I are so anxious for you to come! We love you lots and can't wait to hold you!!!

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