Dear Kayden,
Today you are 4 weeks old! You have changed so much in this short time. Compare the pictures if you don't believe me!

It is so fun to watch you grow.
Well lately we've been going walks daily. It helps settle you and helps me work on this pudge. Its been nice to get outside except its been in the 80's! You've been really warm lately so youve just been chilling in your diaper.
Speaking of diapers its just about time to move you up a size! So you are getting bigger :)
Well today hasn't been too exciting. We were suppose to go to church but after our alarm went off I said just 15 more minutes. Then we only had 45 minutes to get ready. That would have been fine but you decided you wanted to eat. And you ate for like 30 minutes!!! You've never eaten so long before! So needless to say we did not make it to church today.
We did try out your playmat though! Your nana bought it for you before you were born. But this is the first time you've been awake enough to use it. You seemed to really like it. Your daddy laid down there with you and played with you. You aren't really old enough to play yet but you liked looking at everything
Since then youve been napping off and on. The cutest time was when you fell asleep on your daddy's chest and then he fell asleep too! He didnt even realize he did till I leaned forward and he startled pretty good.
That's about all that has happened lately. We love you tons!
Love Mommy
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