Dearest Kayden,
1 month has already passed from that amazing day at the hosptial where you joined our family!
We love having you in our lives and feel totally blessed that Heavenly Father trust us enough to let us raise you.
Today we went to the park and took tons of pictures of you.
You are so handsome.

This is the only family photo we got but I think its good.
This is my favorite picture of your daddy and you! He adores you so much
And this is my favorite picture of us.
You slept pretty much the whole time. It was pretty funny cause you kept fussing when we moved you around. But I wanted to get lots of pictures of you at this age because I dont have any of me that young.
Well after the park your daddy had to go off to work and it was just us. You have been fussing pretty good tonight. I am wondering if you are colicy or just over stimulated. You did have a big day today and we didnt get to go on our walk. Thankfully your daddy came home and swaddled you and took you outside and you fell asleep!
Well on the upside I think I saw your first real smile this morning. You were eating and all the sudden you just stopped looked up at me and smiled. Your whole face lit up. It was so precious. I can not wait until you start smiling all the time and laughing!
Well we love you so much!!
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