Wednesday, July 20, 2011

3 days old and First Doctors Appt!!

Dear Kayden,
Last night was your first night at home with us. It wasnt that eventful. At first we put you in the bassinet to sleep but with every lil sigh or deep breathe I would startle awake to check on you. So I quickly moved you into bed with me even though I swore I would never let you sleep in bed with us at such a young age. Daddy wasn't too pleased about it but was nice enough not to say anything.
Today was also your first Dr appt too. It went well. You were not very happy at all that you had to get naked or that you were poked and prodded. But it had to be done. You are completely healthy. Today you weighed in at 6 lbs and 12 ounces. So you are right on track.
You have had 3 dirty diapers since we got home. Your daddy is being such a big help with those.
Today you are wearing the cutest little dinosaur onesie that our friend Lindsey got for you.
Well you are eating tons and sleeping tons just like it should be. And your daddy and I fall more in love with you every minute.

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